Simon Eringfeld - Former Co-chair 2020-21
Simone Eringfeld is the co-Chair of CPERG, and an MPhil student in Education, Globalisation and International Development at Cambridge University. Her research focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education and investigates how Cambridge students and Faculty members reimagine the future of the post-Covid University. Simone also produces and hosts the podcast Cambridge Quaranchats, which as a platform has become an integral part of her research. Simone works with arts-based, multi-media methods like mapping, writing and visual expression, and most recently podcasting, to investigate complex issues. She holds triple BA degrees in Philosophy, Cultural Studies and International Relations from the universities of Amsterdam and London. She also formally studied arts in Barcelona, Berlin and New York City. Before starting her MPhil, she worked as an educator with migrant communities in Amsterdam and as a travel photographer around the world. Find her on Linkedin and twitter.